Sunday, January 17, 2010

Why is the economy and dollar going to collapse john doe?

Good question folks, and here is where we clear the air so to speak. First off you have to understand the two major terms in our economic structure, the first one is Fiat money. Now Fiat money has been used thru out history, and you will be glad to know that it has failed EVERY time.

You will also be happy to know that we are making the exact same mistakes that drove the other country's to economic ruin. Mainly by debasing the currency(most laypeople know this as inflation). The dollar has lost 94-96% of it's worth since 1913 when the federal reserve bank took over our banking system.

The other term you need to understand is Usury, in a usury system, money moves from the lower and middle classes to the upper class. Also this can never be paid back, as we dont have enough dollars because they only print the principal and never the interest owed.

The end result has always been to bankrupt the country, thats why out of the last 100 years our leaders have only blanced the budget 5 years, and why we have only paid the debt down in 2 years out of the last 100 years.

We have been getting fooled for years, our government accounting practices look more like enrons then what our nation should be.

Check out terms like Imputations and Hedonics with meaning to our gdp and cpi/inflation. A good primer on the subject is chris martensons crash course here........

A long video series, but worth the watch, only problem is he dont think we will collapse, but we will folks.

Feel free to ask questions in the comments section.

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