Friday, February 5, 2010

great post on FRN's and "dollars"

A well thought out post, that i am going to be spending some time investigating. What he is saying is that the coinage act of 1792 made dollars to be coins only(as in gold dollar,silver dollar), since federal reserve notes are not coins made from these metals, they are in fact, not "dollars" at all.

Hit me back with comments,insults and fat mom jokes yo!

here is his post

In previous posts I tried to encourage folks to go read the law, or ask for
copies from their legislators so that they can determine for themselves,
what is really going on.

Based on what I found, is that :
A) The "dollar bill" is acting as "legal tender" because of the 300
million human resources via FICA.
B) The nation has been under a state of
emergency, since 1933, due to the
Congress' bankruptcy.

C) No one can
question the validity of the public debt,
due to the 14th amendment, clause 4.
D) There is no law compelling participation, yet millions believe they are
obligated to enroll, get their number, and pay their "fair

What that means, is that though millions BELIEVE they are
obligated by some law, the government officials can excuse themselves and
say : "Look, YOU VOLUNTEERED."

I stopped volunteering, in 1993, and have not been a person liable
for certain taxes derived from voluntary participation in national

If one is a non-taxpayer, the government leaves you alone. But if you
never investigate the law, and operate on the illusions taught to you, I may
appear to be "ranting".Go read the law, for yourself.

If you can find where I made a mistake, please, let us all know. I am not
infallible, and may have made an error.But to the best of my knowledge, the law
on the books states that a dollar is a coin stamped from precious metal and a
dollar bill is a repudiated, worthless note. Since 1933, no one has used dollars
to pay debts or have been paid with dollars.

If you've been misled to claim that you were paid "dollars" and entered
that data into the public record, via government forms, that's a problem.

I believe that the confusion is intentional, and no one will express the
facts, in clear terms, so that the people can decide for themselves.

I've filed quite a few legal court cases, wherein I did not pay fees, by
asserting that I did not have sufficient DOLLARS, as dollars are defined in the
Coinage Act of 1792.

And each case had to be reviewed by the sitting judge, to weed out
frivolous suits. (No, I did not file in forma pauperis. I am not a pauper
socialist).)I've even ducked being fined (when losing), by pointing
out that I do not have nor possess any dollars, as dollars are defined by
the Act.

I've never had to raise the objection that if the fine is
payable with FRNs, and said FRNs have no par value, then the fine is
effectively zero. Americans have been kept ignorant for generations. I was
in my late 30's when circumstances compelled me to dive into the law.

Up till that moment, I was SURE I knew all about America's legal
heritage. I had the benefits of a higher education - a college degree - I
was well read.

Boy, was I mistaken!

I strongly urge every American to use a week or two of each year, to
witness the shenanigans played out in the courts of this nation. You won't
believe it if I tell you, so you will have to witness it for yourself.

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