Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Whats a prepper?

Many that have realized the mess we are in are asking, what do i do now? While i do not offer financial advice, I can tell you how i would prepare. This is a lifestyle change, and some may not agree with it, but we have to break free from the system that is killing us. All of my advice in regards to being prepared for any crisis is going to be good for you even if no crisis ever comes about(thrown in for any sheep reading).

Your first thought should be about plans, where do you live? city/suburb or country? Are you staying in your small community fighting off the hordes of hungry or are you bugging out? To the woods, that cabin you built, family or friends farms,etc?

Where ever you end up, your going to need to be stocked up on some items. We all need certain things to live, water and food come to mind first of course.

If a crisis happens, how can your family have clean drinking water? How much food do you have put away, and how many ways can you cook it(electric stove may not have power).

How will you defend what you have saved? All these questions need anwsered and you need to prepare now, not tomarrow. Imagine how much better you will feel with a years worth of food and different ways to cook them if you lose your job.

Do you know how to grow your own food and save it for the winter? You need to learn these skills now before your forced too.

There was a write up in the american thinker that should help you understand some of the problems we are facing today.

Then when you realize that things are not like they should be, read this write up by Chris martenson about being prepared.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

More of what is to come friends.[/url]

Oakland PD has said it will no longer dispatch officers for certain crimes due to layoffs.

Here's a partial list:

* burglary
* theft
* embezzlement
* grand theft
* grand theft:dog
* identity theft
* false information to peace officer
* required to register as sex or arson offender
* dump waste or offensive matter
* discard appliance with lock
* loud music
* possess forged notes
* pass fictitious check
* obtain money by false voucher
* fraudulent use of access cards
* stolen license plate
* embezzlement by an employee (over $ 400)
* extortion
* attempted extortion
* false personification of other
* injure telephone/ power line
* interfere with power line
* unauthorized cable tv connection
* vandalism
* administer/expose poison to another's

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Will people even realize what this report means to them?

Whats interesting about todays post is that, this is something i have come up with before in my past research, and have even spoke of this in my past blog posts. The problem people seem to have with understanding the world around them is what they "know" 100% for a fact.

It's these beliefs and belief systems that in fact shut down our ability to think clearly. Preconcieved notions are known to be one of the biggest learning blocks known to man.

Instead of a belief system, i find the thought of an ideal system much more enlightening and refreshing. As new information comes into contact with us, we can evaluate it based on it's merits, instead of dismissing it out of hand due to our preconcieved notions.

Does anyone believe that our leaders have not figured out the innermost workings of group think(crowd psychology)? Does anyone not think they would not be using it against us? Are you sure when you say no way, it's not your prconcieved notion dismiss the ideal out of hand?

Everyone of us has fallen for this trap, wake up now and help to save your self and loved ones.

Quote below from link above, enjoy!!

CONAN: Well, Brendan Nyhan is a health policy researcher at the University of Michigan. He recently published "When Corrections Fail: The Persistence of Political Misperceptions." That was in the June issue of the Journal of Political Behavior, and he joins us now from the studios of WUOM, Michigan Radio, our member station in Ann Arbor. Nice to have you with us today.

Mr. BRENDAN NYHAN (Robert Wood Johnson Scholar in Health Policy Research, University of Michigan): Thanks for having me.

CONAN: And when facts are readily available, why are they not enough to change people's minds?

Mr. NYHAN: Well, the problem is, you know, as human beings, we want to believe, you know, the things that we already believe. And so when you hear some information that contradicts your pre-existing views, unfortunately, what we tend to do is think of why we believed those things in the first place.

And, you know, so when, you know, we get these corrections, we tend to say I'm right, and I'm going to stick with my view. And the thing that my research, which is with Jason Reifler at Georgia State University, found is that in some cases, that corrective information can actually make the problem worse.

So some people who read Dana's article about immigration may actually have come away from it more strongly committed to the belief that crime has gone up along the border.

CONAN: And indeed are probably demanding his birth certificate.

(Soundbite of laughter)

Mr. NYHAN: That's right.

CONAN: This is a phenomenon described as backfire. You say it's a natural defense mechanism to avoid cognitive dissonance.

Mr. NYHAN: That's right. You know, it's hard, it's threatening to us to admit that things we believe are wrong. And all of us, liberals and conservatives, you know, have some beliefs that aren't true, and when we find that out, you know, it's threatening to our beliefs and ourselves.

And so what we think happens is that the way people, you know, try to resolve this in some cases is to, you know, buttress that belief that they initially held, and, you know, there's a long line of research showing results like this.

CONAN: And again, we'd like to think of our brain as something that's been trained in, you know, Cartesian logic, when in fact, our brain is sort of hard-wired to leap to conclusions very quickly.

Mr. NYHAN: That's right

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Are we "Trending Towards Deflation" or in It?

found a couple of good reads for you folks this morn, hope you take the time to read and understand them.

Recession, Deflation and Deficits

I look forward at the beginning of every quarter to receiving the Quarterly Outlook from Hoisington Investment Management. They have been prominent proponents of the view that deflation is the problem, stemming from a variety of factors, and write about their views in a very clear and concise manner. This quarter's letter is no exception, where they once again delve into the history books to bring up fresh and relevant lessons for today. This is a must read piece.

Hoisington Investment Management Company ( is a registered investment advisor specializing in fixed income portfolios for large institutional clients. Located in Austin, Texas, the firm has over $4-billion under management, composed of corporate and public funds, foundations, endowments, Taft-Hartley funds, and insurance companies. And now let's jump right in to the essay.

John Mauldin, Editor
Outside the Box

read the rest at the link, for more eye popping info.

Monday, July 12, 2010

For the people in my hometown

Maybe you think people are not getting prepared, maybe your thinking that in a total collapse the government would take care of you.

They wont.

Direct your attention to this Indiana based forum

Think about this people, already crime occurs daily, people get shot for 20 bucks worth of drugs. What is going to happen when people cant feed their kids? When the dollar is worthless and the shelves are empty?

A lot of drug dealers and thugs have guns but no food,The cities will empty out fast into the country side looking for food, not just looters mind you, but honest hard working families. It will be hard to turn those folks away, but you must, as mentioned earlier on in my blog. Refugees must be turned away, before the community becomes over run and can not support itself anymore and they all starve.

We all know this area is filled with meth users and people who are not prepared, we must work to help get them prepared.

We have but only a little time, what we must do, each one of us.

1. secure a way to get water/filter water with no power
2. secure a way to get/raise food with no power to help
3. heat our homes during winter and be able to cook

Their are many ways we can go about doing all of these items and much more. I would suggest you take the time to get back to the old way of doing things like providing for yourself and your family with your own land.

Remember, at least have food for a year and 2 gallons of water per day per person in the family. After that, you better have some heirloom seeds and chickens/cows/pigs/goats or something.

Always have multiple ways to defend yourself and your family, there are classes and online resource's for these skills, learn them,NOW, not later.

You have maybe 2 years if we are lucky.

care to check the facts out for yourself? i invite you to read all of Gordon Long's "Extend and Pretend" series here....

On the left hand side, yes it is a long series, so it might take awhile, and you might miss your favorite tv show or video game.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

The good news!!

A lot of times people say i need to be more positive, that i'm all doom and gloom. So i decided to write about the "good" news today.

We all know that our debt, public, government and our unfunded liability's total close to/around 100 trillion dollars. Our inflated gdp was around 14 trillion i think, imagine how many years it would take to pay off our debt, if we ONLY spent ALL our gdp on paying off the debt And we had NO new debt added(7+ years folks).

But lets forget about that and focus on the good news so we can tell ourself everything is going to be alright.

This comes to us via the Hill

One idea for raising taxes to pay down the debt is the bill introduced this February by Rep. Chaka Fattah (D-Pa.). His “Debt Free America Act” (H.R. 4646) would impose a 1 percent “transaction tax” on every financial transaction — whether paid by cash, credit card or any form of financial transfer, the only exception being transactions involving the purchase or sale of stock. Theoretically, everyone would pay one cent on the dollar for every such transaction in America every day — whether $3 million on a $300 million business acquisition, $300 on the purchase of a $30,000 car, or $5 on a $500 ATM withdrawal.

To reduce the impact of such a flat tax on the poor, Fattah’s bill provides for a 1 percent tax credit for couples earning $250,000 or less ($125,000 or less for individuals) and discretion by the Treasury Department to exempt certain transactions on which lower-income people disproportionately rely. Another idea would be to amend his bill to exempt all transactions below $500.

Ah, so that is how they are going to pay for all this borrowing they are doing. But wait, thats only part of the good news. The other part is the inflation that will take hold if a "recovery" ever does manage to rear it's disformed face.

So while most of my blog tells you the dangers of the collapse, this post will talk about the "good" news of a recovery, where inflation is running at 10-15%, where government services are less, but the taxes are higher.

Oh yes folks, the "good" news you are going to get with this recovery is plentiful. Imagine the happiness paying 50-80% of your income to federal/state/local/property/add the other 5000000 other taxes in here. Then imagine after paying those taxes, having LESS service from your government then you do now.

Imagine food prices rising because of taxes like the one posted above, or higher fuel taxes,etc.

The bottom line is thier is no "good" news folks, so understand that it is time to hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.

Another good read for you to look at is by Mr. long at this link....

EXTEND & PRETEND: Stage I Comes to an End!